Brief info
Born in 1982 in Lahore, Saba Khan lives and works in Lahore. She completed her BFA, from National College of Arts, Lahore, (Distinction),
and MFA from Boston University, on Fulbright Scholarship. Residencies attended include: Civitella Ranieri Foundation, UNESCO Aschberg
Bursary, Italy; SEHER, Jaisalmer, India; Vermont Studio Center, USA; Indus Valley School, Karachi, Pakistan; 11th Gwangju Biennale
International Curator Course, South Korea. She was a juror for UNESCO Aschberg Bursary. Solo shows: Canvas Art Gallery, Karachi;
Rohtas 2, Taseer Gallery, Lahore. Group shows: Monitor 4, SAVAC, Toronto; Kara Film Festival, Karachi; International Art Festival,
Kathmandu; Lawrie Shabibi Gallery, Dubai; Bangkok Art and Culture Center, Thailand; India Art Fair; Aicon Gallery, New York; Rossi and
Rossi Gallery, London. Shortlisted for The Future Generation Art Prize, Victor Pinchuk Foundation. Published in n.paradoxa International
Feminist Art Journal, Tran-Asia; The Eye Still Seeks by Salima Hashmi. She teaches at the National College of Arts and founded Murree
Museum Artist Residency, Murree, an artist-led initiative that support artists/writers/curators, in 2014.
Khan’s work is pumped with humour and satire; it looks at the class divides through layers of local aesthetics. Glitter, paint and crystals are
used as tropes to comment on the emerging affluent-class, along with the ‘bad-tastes’ exhibited through religious ceremonies, homes and
the bazaar. The work also makes sharp commentary on political and social conditions with inside-jokes and symbols while not preaching on
a particular stance.