M. Muzammil Khan

Brief info

Khan has a background of Karachi, born and lived there his entire life. Being a hostilite in lahore to study his bachelors from NCA, gave him sense of shift from a place. This unconsciouslybecamenoticeable until anunfortunate event took place. Having lived for several years under one same roof, khan had an attachment and association with his place of living (i.e home) . Unfortunately, due to government project, his house had to be demolished. Mainly his work is derived from the attachment and the love of space and place which captures memories and more to come.

Muzammil khan has participated in a few group shows.

2017 – Group show at sanat art gallery karachi
2017 – Young Artist exhibition at Al-Hamra Art Gallery
2017 – Thesis display at National College of Arts
2016 – Young Artist exhibition at Al-Hamra Art Gallery
2014 – Young Artist exhibition at Al-Hamra Art Gallery
2012 – Group show at sadequain Art Gallery
2011 – Group show at sadequain Art Gallery

His work speaks about the loss he had to face when his house got demolished, but also leaves a room for a new beginning. capturing the scenes at the time of knock down, in other words, he has preserved the memories for years to come. The visuals have become more personal and have moved towards capturing interior spaces from memory as-well. As time passes, your thoughts and memories slowly move to the back of your mind and become more like a flashback. It has been a ‘past’ now. When talking of memory and thoughts, time is very important and I have depicted a flash-back, or as we call it “the past”.
One of the painting is named “through the window” As you can see the chair in front in one painting and in the other, you can see it through the window. The painting shows a scene from the demolishing time period.The other painting is titled “the movement”. Depicting the same concept of moving, as it shows scattered equipment and things lying around. There is also a personalization and a feeling of attachment. The interior view makes it more personalized.

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